How to improve 1/3rd of your life- Sleep well

Sleep is one of the most important pillar of our health and wellbeing. It’s vital for healing, repairing and recharging our body and cognitive function. Almost one third of our lives are spent sleeping.

While the number of hours required for well rested sleep might not be the same for everyone, the quality sleep is something that everyone needs.

The following routine has helped me get good quality sleep. Now, let’s dive in.

Morning: Exposure to natural light

Expose yourself to natural light for 15-30 minutes

The preparation for a good sleep starts in the morning. Be in natural light in the morning, even if it’s cloudy. The natural light helps regulate the circadian rhythm, our internal body clock.

Caffeine: not yet. 

Avoid drinking coffee for 1.5 hours after waking up.

The cortisol levels, nature’s built-in alarm system in our body, peaks after an hour after waking up. This hormone gets us ready for the day and drinking coffee may interere with cortisol production.

Not only that, avoid coffee after 9-10 hours of your wake up time. So, your body has enough time to process caffeine before bed time.

Evening: Warm Shower: 

A warm shower helps you sleep better.

The body temperature needs to drop 2-3 degrees before we sleep. A warm shower before 60-90 minutes before bedtime will bring down body temperature and get you ready for sleep

Bedtime: Screens out 

Avoid screens a couple of hours before sleep.

The blue light from screens (mobile, iPad, TV etc.) suppresses the body’s release of melatonin, which makes us drowsy. Stop using these devices at least an hour before bed time.

Night: No/least exposure to light 

Sleep in a dark/low lit room.

If you happen to get up in the night, avoid light exposure or as minimum light Avoid checking your phone.

If you can’t go back to sleep, try relaxing breathing- the 4-7-8 method. breathing in for 4 counts, holding the breath 7 counts, and exhaling with pursed lips for 8 counts.

Hope this helps you to sleep well and stay active – preferably not at the same time though 🙂

This atomic essay is part of my course Ship 30 for 30. Writing for consecutive 30 days. All atomic essays are here

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