Overworking, burnt out? This small routine can help

The boundary between work and personal space has blurred during the past two years (and counting) of the pandemic.

Most people are working more than ever with infrequent breaks while snacking and having lunch on the desk. There’s a feeling of always on and never actually being off-work.

Here’s how this 3 step routine has helped me to not feel like 668th Monday of the year.

#1 Review and plan

Perform a review of all the tasks that were planned to complete today. 

The completed tasks strike off and pending tasks/items get carried over for the next day.

Check your e-mail one last time for anything that requires immediate attention

Write down the tasks/items that you need to focus on tomorrow

#2 Shutdown

Initiate a shutdown. Shutdown the laptop, not just put it in sleep mode.

Be a bit dramatic, say out loud – “done for the day” or “Shutdown complete”

#3 Complete disconnect

Now that the shutdown is completed, do not check emails or Teams messages later in the evening, not even a glance.

Resist the urge to check or planning work for the next day

This small ritual will help in completely disconnect from the work and should help terminate those “batch jobs” that continue to run in our mind while we’re off work and spending time with self and family. This will also help in recharge and be ready for the next day.

Remember to move, hydrate and get good sleep!

This atomic essay is part of my course Ship 30 for 30. Writing for consecutive 30 days. All atomic essays are here

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