Audiobooks and drinking vegetables

“Listening to books instead of reading them is like drinking your vegetables instead of eating them.” @NavalismHQ I saw this tweet from a Naval quote bot and thought this is right. Listening to a book is not the same experience as reading. However, it’s more nuanced. Let me explain. Your mind may wander while reading a book, it’s still an active exercise. You can take notes, highlight…

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The fatal intersection of Curse of Knowledge and Spotlight Effect

Years ago, I used to write and post regularly on my blog (couple of times a month) until I was taken over by curse of knowledge and while I kept trying to find good enough topics to write about, the spotlight effect crippled me from putting anything out there. When we know something, it’s hard for us to perceive how it’s like not knowing, or…

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How to improve 1/3rd of your life- Sleep well

Sleep is one of the most important pillar of our health and wellbeing. It’s vital for healing, repairing and recharging our body and cognitive function. Almost one third of our lives are spent sleeping. While the number of hours required for well rested sleep might not be the same for everyone, the quality sleep is something that everyone needs. The following routine has helped me…

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Overworking, burnt out? This small routine can help

The boundary between work and personal space has blurred during the past two years (and counting) of the pandemic. Most people are working more than ever with infrequent breaks while snacking and having lunch on the desk. There’s a feeling of always on and never actually being off-work. Here’s how this 3 step routine has helped me to not feel like 668th Monday of the…

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HANA Backup Error With Backint

The HANA backups to Azure started failing with following error. 2021-05-17T15:00:25-05:00  P0041286      1797bea161f ERROR   LOGBCKUP state of service: xsengine, prdhanadb:30007, volume: 3, BackupLogError2021-05-17T15:00:25-05:00  P0041286      1797bea161f ERROR   LOGBCKUP state of service: xsengine, prdhanadb:30007, volume: 3, Not all data could be written: Expected 4096 but transferred 0 The “Not all data could be written: Expected 4096 but transferred 0” is a pretty generic error and there can…

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Steal Like an Artist – Austin Kleon

Recently finished reading Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon and here are the notes from the book. What’s worth stealing? When you look at the world this way, there’s no “good” or “bad”, there’s only stuff worth stealing, and stuff that’s not worth stealing. Everything is up for grabs. If you don’t find something worth stealing today, you might find it worth stealing tomorrow…

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SAP HANA – error when updating alerts threshold

While updating the threshold for HANA alerts, the following error occurs. Error while making changes to the check configuration values; see log. The error is vague with no details on what the underlying issue is and which logs to check. This error is caused by missing privileges for HANA user making changes. The alerts threshold can be changed by SYSTEM user, however, as per SAP…

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Hello world!

Ah! Hello World! all over again. It feels like the smell of newly acquired book from the bookstore after a very long time, which you just opened. The website (and blog) are still work-in-progress but putting something is better than having a blank page (or website). The Lockdown caused by Covid-19 pandemic has given an opportunity once again to complete this website, with more time…

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